Friday, June 19, 2009

missed planes and jerky!!!

so i was stuck in longbeach for TWICE as long as i anticipated. and thank god its not a shithole cuz then i woulda been pissed.

but i stayed with the best crew (thank GOD) and had a good time. i didnt eat much the last two days there because i was so anxious about the two flights i missed and the money i had to spend. i drank a bunch of tea and read.

one of kenn's mates troy made his own JERKY!! i ate a bunch of it. and after he dropped me at the airport for the plane that i actually caught he
 GAVE me two bags to take. fucken LOVED the shit!! nothing like good intense savoury via dried meat hahaha.

he has about 15 different kinds that he makes. preservative and additive free. just straight beef and different sauces. soy. chilli. teriyaki. you get the picture.

i hope he gets the business up and running. cuz dudes onto a good thing. GOOD LUCK TROY! and thanks for the dope jerky.

oh and by the way. im SO happy to be back in the hemisphere that sells stride gum. the longest lasting chewing gum everrrrr ahahhaa :))) great to chew after downing a bag of jerky!!


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